• This report is only available to administrators.
  • This report produces a report of NEW facilities determined by when a patient or resident was first added within a date range. 
  • A facility is considered "new" when the first patient or resident is added.
  • Facilities whose first patients were added before or after the date range will NOT appear in the report.
  • The report counts the first date, but not the last date. For instance, to generate a report for July, the dates would be July 1 to August 1 where the end date (August 1) is not included in the count.


1. Choose Find

2. Choose Facilities by Date

3. Choose a start and end date.  The end date is not counted, so June 1 to July 1 will only include facilities established from June 1-30.

4.  Tap the Fetch button:

5.  You can copy and paste this data in Excel to format and print. Copy the data from Fastcare, and, when pasting into Excel, choose Paste Special and then Text.