The Facility Button produces the Facility Details screen where, if you have the proper credentials, you can edit the facility information, find personnel, place stocking orders, and review Order Forms, Evaluation Forms, Facility-wide Reports, Trend Reports and All Orders.
Printing Reports on the Facility Detail screen
Fastcare also operates on computers in the Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers.
To print a report:
- Log in to Fastcare on a computer.
- Click on the Facility | QAPI button
- Choose either the Facility report or the QAPI report (see #1 in the illustration below.)
- Enter either a date range or click on one of the weekly dates in the column below (see #2 in the illustration below.)
- For a QAPI Report, you can also generate a percentage of residents with pressure ulcers. Click here for info
about census days.
- Click on the report: Eval Forms, Facility Report or Trend Report
- Select your choices. For example, to print Eval Forms, choose a date range, and then a patient.
- When the report you want is in your browser, right-click on your mouse and choose Print from the pop-up menu.
If you only have one button on your mouse, click on the tool menu in the browser's upper right corner. In Internet Explorer, this looks like a gear; in Chrome, it looks is a stack of horizontal lines. Choose Print from the tool menu.
The tool menu in Internet Explorer: click the gear
Wound Eval Reports
Sample Wound Eval Report
Notice how the Treatment Comments from the Wound Eval appear in the top right of the report, and the General Comments appear in the bottom. Many nurses add additional tunneling or miscellaneous information in these comment fields.