This procedure can only be executed by Gentell WCS and Gentell officers. ICD10 authorizations are signatures of a facility officer collected by tablet that recognize the wound conditions in the ICD10 evaluation and authorize the products ordered to treat the wound.


  1. Search for the Facility whose orders you seek to authorize.
  2. In the Facility Details menu, choose Authorize:

  3. You will see a list of orders that is usually longer than the example below. To proceed with authorization, click on the Proceed to signature page button. To remove an order, click on Show.
  4. If you clicked Show to remove an order,  that order is presented as below. To keep it, click on Continue. To remove the order from the batch being approved, click on the check box next to Do not authorize this eval/order and then click the Continue button below.
  5. If you excluded any orders, they will appear as Excluded in the report. Click or tap on the Proceed to signature page button when you are satisfied with the batch.

  6. You can sign on the tablet with your finger or a rubber-tipped stylus -- or you can sign with a mouse on a computer. All are legal signatures. If the person signing is dissatisfied with the signature, tap the Clear button to start again.  Type in the name that matches the signature and the date of signing. Then tap on the Authorize button to authorize all included ICD10 evals/orders in this batch. Only one signature is necessary for the batch.

    NOTE:  When a WCS presents evals to sign on a facility computer, you must sign out of Fastcare immediately after gathering the approval signatures. Do not leave your Fastcare access open to the next person who uses that computer.

  7. After authorizing, the Included orders are removed from the list. New orders and previously excluded orders will be available for the next 5 days. To see the signature on individual orders, tap on the Process Orders button, and then the order number of an order that has been approved (Status = In queue).  Scroll to the bottom of the order, and you will see the signature like this: