This procedure only applies to Fastcare administrators. It is not visible to other users.
Choose Products from the top button bar, and then Products from the Manage Products buttons.
Scroll down to the item you want to edit, and tap the Edit button.
Edit the product fields as required. Note that you can upload product images toward the bottom. Historically, these have been 600x600 images that are also used in the Wound Advisor. Many Gentell partners also right-click-copy the images for their own marketing requirements, so 600 x 600 is something of a standard.
Use FTP to manage the PDF marketing sheets and SDS for each product.
Click the Update button when you are finished.
Categorizing products
This is the most problematic function because it involves holding down the CTRL key while you pick groups products. If you fail to hold the control key down, you can blow away your existing list, and you'll be starting from scratch.
Products can belong to multiple categories, and you can establish as many categories as you like. Choose Products on the top menu bar, and then Product Categories in managing products.
Let's say you want to add a new product to the Category "All Woundcare Products" Choose Edit
HOLD DOWN THE CTRL KEY! Then scroll down and choose the item that you want to add or remove from the group. If you do NOT hold down the CTRL key, you will select that item and turn every other item off. Once you have the list you want, select Update.