Fastcare enables you to establish corporate-wide oversight of a chain of nursing homes from a single login.  Further, you can establish groups of facilities that can be overseen by a single clinician. 

To conform to HIPAA guidelines, group oversight and privileges should only be extended to executives and clinical personnel who require this information to perform their corporate or clinical duties.

Setting up multiple-facility oversight is a three-step process: 

  1. An Administrator sets up the headquarters and facilities that belong to that headquarters
  2. An Administrator sets up the Corporate Clinician who has oversight of all nursing facilities.
  3. The Corporate Clinician sets up Group Clinicians and assigns facilities from the chain to each Group Clinician.

1. Set up a chain of facilities

Facilities can only be set up by Fastcare Administrators.  Click on the Edit Facility button, choose "This is a Headquarters location", and click on the Update button at the bottom of the screen.

Set up the other chain facilities in Fastcare, but choose the name of the Headquarters location in the field "This facility belongs to:"


2. Set up the Corporate Clinician for the Headquarters location.

Only a Fastcare Administrator can set up a Corporate Clinician. Click on Facility and choose the name of the headquarters location. Click on Personnel and Add Facility Person. Add the name, choose Corporate Clinician as the User type, add other required date, and click on Save User.


The Corporate Clinician can now log into Fastcare with the email address and password that you have created.

3.  Setting up Group Clinicians and switching between facilities

Only the Corporate Clinician can create Group Clinicians. When the Corporate Clinician logs into Fastcare, there are two new buttons under Facility:  Group Clinicians and Switch. "Switch" enables the Corporate Clinician to switch to viewing any nursing home in the chain. If a facility does not appear in the list, it has not been set up properly: please contact your Fastcare representative.

The Group Clinicians button enables the Corporate Clinician to establish groups of facilities that can be overseen by a single "Group Clinician." First, add a Group Clinician by clicking Personnel and Add Facility Person. Under User Type, choose Group Clinician. Second, the Corporate Clinician can click on Facility and then Group Clinicians to assign facilities to Group Clinicians.  First, choose which Group Clinician; second, click on Choose Facilities, which will produce a list of facilities from which you can choose. If a facility is missing from the list, please contact your Fastcare representative who will set it up.


Once you have chosen the facilities, click on the Assign Facilities button to save your choices.