What is the QAPI report?

Update 3/27/20

The Fastcare QAPI Report (Quality Assurance Performance Improvement) is designed to work with CMS performance directives for nursing homes.

To generate the QAPI report, choose a facility, and tap on the QAPI Report button.

You can generate a QAPI report for any rolling month, quarter or year by choosing the last full month of your report. You can choose a standard calendar period, but you can also choose a rolling period: a year can be February to January, and a quarter can be February to April. 

EXAMPLES:  A Quarter by Months report ending on April 2019 will return a report for the months of Feb, March, and April, 2019.  A Year by Quarters report ending on November 2019 will generate a report for quarters Dec 2018-Feb 2019, Mar-May 2019, Jun-Aug 2019, and Sep-Nov 2019.  A Month by Weeks report for October 2019 will generate a weekly report of the five weeks in October 2019.

After selecting the Report Type, Ending Month and Ending Year, tap the Show button.

After you tap the Show button, Fastcare will generate a three-page QAPI report with statistics on the left and graphics on the right. To print as a PDF, tap the Print icon in the upper right and choose Save as PDF.


The Fastcare QAPI Report (Quality Assurance Performance Improvement) is at the end of the Facility Report. It is designed to work with CMS performance directives for nursing homes.

To generate the QAPI report, choose a facility, and click or tap on the Facility | QAPI Reports button.  


  1. Choose the QAPI report. If you want a pressure ulcer ratio, fill in Census Days. Tap here for more info on Census Days.
  2. Choose either a date range and tap Show, or a week.

How can I print a report?

We recommend that you print QAPI reports from a computer with a printer attached to it.

QAPI is defined by CMS as the merger of two complementary approaches to quality, Quality Assurance (QA) and Performance Improvement (PI).  Both involve seeking and using information, but they differ in key ways:

  • QA is a process of meeting quality standards and assuring that care reaches an acceptable level.  Nursing homes typically set QA thresholds to comply with regulations. They may also create standards that go beyond regulations.  QA is a reactive, retrospective effort to examine why a facility failed to meet certain standards.  QA activities do improve quality, but efforts frequently end once the standard is met.
  • PI (also called Quality Improvement - QI) is a pro-active and continuous study of processes with the intent to prevent or decrease the likelihood of problems by identifying areas of opportunity and testing new approaches to fix underlying causes of persistent/systemic problems.  PI in nursing homes aims to improve processes involved in health care delivery and resident quality of life.  PI can make good quality even better.
  • QAPI is a data-driven, proactive approach to improving the quality of life, care, and services in nursing homes.  The activities of QAPI involve members at all levels of the organization to: identify opportunities for improvement; address gaps in systems or processes; develop and implement an improvement or corrective plan; and continuously monitor effectiveness of interventions.

Notes for the Fastcare QAPI report

1.  The number of residents admitted, acquired, and recurring equals the total number of that particular type of wound.

2.  The number improved, declined, and closed also equals the total.

The basis for determination of improved or declined is based on the first and last PUSH scores during the specified time with 17 being the worst score and 0 equal to closed.

For example, a wound that may start with a PUSH of 5 during the specified time and then goes to 0 even before the end of the time period  is considered closed rather than improved.

For more information on QAPI
